Tonga Independent News

Tuesday 14, May 2024

Tonga acknowledges the outgoing Australian High Commissioner’s significant diplomatic contributions

The Prime Minister honoured the departing Australian High Commissioner, Her Excellency Rachael Moore in a farewell event at the Australian Residence in Nuku’alofa on ThursdayApril 4.The Hon Hu’akavameiliku, expressed profound thanks in his farewell speech for her distinguished service in diplomacy over the past years.

Despite the challenges posed by the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption, the subsequent tsunami in early 2022, and the global Covid-19 pandemic, Her Excellency chose to remain in Tonga through these adversities, as explained by Hon Hu’akavameiliku to the attendees.

Hon Hu’akavameiliku remarked, “Faced with an unexpected and strenuous diplomatic role, Your Excellency stayed with your family, even as the Mirrabooka Residence and Tonga faced great challenges.” He expressed his appreciation for her varied and exceptional diplomatic skills, which will be remembered gratefully by Tongans for generations to come.

“Your significant role in promoting Tonga’s development in areas such as diplomacy, education, health, economic recovery, aviation, security, and interpersonal relations is deeply appreciated,” he added.

Notable Australian initiatives in Tonga include the AUD$16 million Tonga Parliament House project, jointly funded with New Zealand, and support for various sectors like women’s affairs, police development, family violence prevention, health support, school safety, and the AUD$5.3 million co-financed Nuku’alofa Network Upgrade Project.