In a recent interview with Tonga Independent, Piukala, a member of the Opposition in Parliament, expressed confidence in their ability to secure a Vote of No Confidence Motion against Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni’s leadership. Piukala argues that there is a significant level of dissatisfaction and irregularities, which can be seen as a euphemism for corruption, within the current administration, justifying its replacement.
One of the key points raised by Piukala is the issue of excessive government spending on travel and related costs. He highlights that the new annual budget has seen these expenses skyrocket to over 9 million alone. This financial misuse adds to the growing concerns about the government’s “modus operandi” (Method of operating), which has not gone unnoticed by the public.
Interestingly, the Opposition is comprised of a coalition of seemingly unlikely allies, including the PTOA, Independents, and Nobles, all expressing their disapproval of Sovaleni’s leadership.
While the focus is on removing Sovaleni from power, Piukala remains tight-lipped about the potential successor, stating that such discussions will happen in due course.
Piukala emphasizes that Members of Parliament owe it to His Majesty’s Trust endowed to Parliament to correct the government’s course and ensure efficient and effective governance and development that aligns with the people’s expectations.
The Constitution and the Parliament’s Standing Orders allow for the removal of an administration from power after the first 18 months in office, but not later than 6 months before the end of the Parliamentary term.
As the Opposition gears up for the Vote of No Confidence, all eyes are on the political landscape to witness potential shifts in leadership and the direction of the nation’s governance and development.