Tonga Independent News

King Tupou VI Urges Collective Action in closing Parliament Address

In a significant address concluding the parliamentary session on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, His Majesty King Tupou VI of Tonga emphasised the critical importance of accountability, transparency, private sector engagement, and the urgent need to combat drug abuse within the nation.
Accountability was a central theme of King Tupou VI’s speech, stressing the government’s obligation to answer to both citizens and Parliament. He urged parliamentarians to exceed mere compliance and actively oversee the allocation and expenditure of public funds, emphasising the need for thorough scrutiny to ensure the responsible use of taxpayers’ money in alignment with national interests.

Transparency was underscored as essential for good governance, particularly in the management of Public Enterprises. The King emphasised the necessity for clear explanations from governmental bodies regarding any fund reallocations, ensuring accountability to Parliament and citizens. The accessibility of oversight mechanisms such as the Anti-Corruption Commissioner and the Ombudsman to all citizens was also highlighted, emphasising the importance of transparency without compromise.

Private Sector Engagement:
King Tupou VI addressed the role of the government in fostering private sector growth, cautioning against overreach into commercial endeavours and highlighting the importance of allowing the private sector to thrive in its areas of expertise. Tonga Power was specifically mentioned as an example, questioning delays in promised consumer-friendly policies post-government acquisition.
Combatting Drug Abuse:
The persistent challenge of drug abuse was also addressed, with the King calling for resolute action and severe penalties, particularly for those targeting youth. Drawing parallels with climate change, he emphasised the existential threat posed by drugs to Tonga’s future, urging immediate and concerted efforts to eradicate this societal menace.
In conclusion, King Tupou VI’s address served as a call for collective action and dedication to principles fundamental to Tonga’s prosperity. His impassioned plea for accountability, transparency, private sector engagement, and the combatting of drug abuse outlined a vision for a vibrant, prosperous Tonga, safeguarding the well-being of future generations. Tongans are reminded of their shared responsibility to uphold these principles as essential pillars for Tonga’s prosperous future.