Government to rename Mate Ma’a Tonga for England Tour

The Government of Tonga has taken over the management of the National Rugby League team previously known as Mate Ma’a Tonga, according to an email sent by Fotu Fisi’iahi CEO of MIA to the Chairman of the Tonga National Rugby League (TNRL). Mr. Fisi’iahi stated that a new body, meeting the requirements of the International Rugby League (IRL), will be appointed by the government following public consultation.
The dispute between TNRL and the IRL over the coaching staff of the Tongan national team led to TNRL’s suspension and subsequent expulsion as a member of the IRL in 2019. Despite TNRL’s unsuccessful attempt to challenge this decision at the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS), the organization continues to run competitions in Tonga. TNRL lost their case due to a technicality regarding the way they handled its suspension application. The CAS ruled that it did not follow the IRL’s appeal procedures which gave the IRL the right to suspend and eventually expelled as a member.
The Government have set up their own incorporated society according to records from the Ministry of Labour and Commerce. However, the validity of the government’s new entity, named “Tonga Rugby League”, has been questioned due to its registration using the name Mate Ma’a Tonga and the logo which belongs to TNRL.
According to TNRL’s legal advisor, William Edwards they are in the process of filing proceedings with the court after being advised by their lawyer. He stated that TNRL is concerned about the Government’s actions in expelling them and the participation of high-ranking civil servant Mr Fisi’iahi in breaching the law. He believes that this sends a message that any sport federation in Tonga can be treated in the same way.
Mr Edwards who is an Ex-Mate Ma’a Tonga player also believes that Mr Fisi’iahi and the Government do not respect the history and name of rugby league in Tonga, which belongs to the players and clubs who set up TNRL and the former MMT players, and that the Government interfered without consulting TNRL and the former MMT players.
According to the chairman of the TNRL it’s business as usual, “We have plenty on this year starting with our women’s 9’s during the Heilala week in July and the TNRL 2023 Cup starting in August.” He also stated that there are plans for international games at the end of the year for a “Kings 13 Mate Ma’a Tonga team.” But will not elaborate.
The government’s decision to take over the management of the national team is significant, as the name ‘Mate Ma’a Tonga’ and the team’s logo are both intellectual properties of TNRL. The national team has been playing under Mate Ma’a Tonga name since 1986. As a result, the national team will tour England under a new name and will have to compose a new Sipi tau as the current one also belongs to Mate Ma’a Tonga /TNRL and cannot be used. The new name for the team will be decided by Mr. Fisi’iahi over the next few months.
TNRL are not concerns about the IRL membership, they remain focused on running competitions in Tonga and preparing the local team for the South Pacific Games in October. The organization is a member of TASNOC, the local Olympic organization, which controls all sporting events for the Olympic committee.
The Tongan team was offered a place in the four nations alongside Australia, New Zealand, and Samoa but Coach Kristian Woolf rejected this saying that the players wanted to go back to England. England is in for a treat as the government of Tonga is funding this tour, and the IRL Chairman, Troy Grant, expressed gratitude towards the government of Tonga for “investing in international Rugby League in the Northern Hemisphere.” He said in the IRL press release.