From Disaster to Hope: How Tonga’s Eruption Led to a Long-Term Solution for Skilled Workers

Tonga, a small island nation located in the South Pacific, was hit by a massive undersea eruption in January 2022. The eruption caused significant damage to the surrounding area, particularly on the western side of the main island of Tongatapu. According to a study published in Science Advances, the 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai undersea volcano was larger than any natural explosion in the past century. There was extensive damage to infrastructure including Power and water supplies. The Tongan community from Aotearoa responded by launching the largest relief effort ever seen in response from a Tongan community overseas.
During the relief effort, an initiative by Mr Melino Maka a seasoned advocate for Tongan community welfare in New Zealand held discussions with various individuals and organizations, including Sir Michael Jones and Fulton Hogan Auckland Director James Weller on opportunities for Tongan’s affected by the Eruption.
Fulton Hogan, a company with a large Tongan workforce, donated three containers to be filled with relief supplies.
However, the discussions went beyond just the relief effort. It was agreed that the best help that could be given to Tonga was to provide skilled workers with full-time jobs in New Zealand. This would not only help the workers and their families but would also provide a long-term benefit to the Tongan.
Using Mr. Maka’s connection in the Kingdom, the jobs were advertised and went through a filtering process where suitable candidates were identified and shortlisted. The Tongan government was informed of the initiative which differs to the seasonal workers programme that is currently handled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It differs in that the employer in this instant is totally responsible for the accommodation and well-being of each employee. In September 2022, a team from Fulton Hogan finalised the interview process and selected the first group of workers to come to New Zealand.
As part of the initiative, a pastoral care program was highly recommended to help the workers settle in and focus on their job. The first group of nine men arrived in Auckland today, 10 May 2023 and they will be based in Pakuranga.
This initiative is a great example of how a disaster can led to positive outcomes. The Tongan community received much-needed relief supplies, and skilled workers now have the opportunity for full-time jobs in New Zealand, providing a better future for themselves, their families, villages, and Tonga as a whole.
Furthermore, this initiative highlights the importance of partnerships between communities, businesses, and governments in responding to disasters and supporting long-term recovery efforts. It also demonstrates the potential for businesses to make a meaningful contribution beyond their traditional role of generating profits.
While the eruption in Tonga in January 2022 was a tragedy, the response to the disaster has led to positive outcomes. The relief effort provided immediate assistance to the Tongan community, and the initiative to provide skilled workers with full-time jobs in New Zealand offers a long-term solution to support the community’s recovery. This initiative serves as an excellent example of how disasters can bring people and organizations together to create positive change.