Billfish owner and family terrorised by Police brutality

The owner and operator of Billfish Bar and Restaurant, Robert Sullivan, was jailed overnight on Saturday due to a miscommunication the night prior with police officers.
At the bar on Friday night, a kerfuffle almost turned violent after a junior officer on patrol reported to his supervisor that Mr Sullivan had ‘swore’ at him.
A contingent of officers descended on the famous watering hole to ‘punish’ Mr Sullivan and forcibly arrest him. The traffic in front of the bar came grinding to a halt in the midst of the face-off as patrons and staff decided to speak out against what they believed to be police abuse of force.
The situation continued to escalate as police not only arrested Robert for what appeared to on-lookers as a minor miscommunication, but also began seizing his property (mobile phone) which contained material evidence that could absolve him of any charges. On-lookers were equally astonished by the willingness of Police to resort to the use of force and their failure to attempt any form of de-escalation over a seemingly trivial matter.
Robert freely submitted himself to custody, but the crowd of on-lookers demanded police return the phone to Robert’s family before leaving.
Mr Sullivan’s father, John Sullivan, has taken to social media to voice his utter disgust and dismay at Police’s conduct.
John stated to Tonga Independent News that his family are considering closing down Billfish and moving out of Tonga.
A contingent of officers descended on the famous watering hole to ‘punish’ Mr Sullivan and forcibly arrest him. The traffic in front of the bar came grinding to a halt in the midst of the face-off as patrons and staff decided to speak out against what they believed to be police abuse of force.
The situation continued to escalate as police not only arrested Robert for what appeared to on-lookers as a minor miscommunication, but also began seizing his property (mobile phone) which contained material evidence that could absolve him of any charges. On-lookers were equally astonished by the willingness of Police to resort to the use of force and their failure to attempt any form of de-escalation over a seemingly trivial matter.

“We’re just tired of years and years of harassment and maltreatment even though we’ve tried our utmost best to comply with every demand made by the law.”
He says it’s been almost two decades of faithfully serving customers and patrons from all over the world and uplifting the Tongan tourism industry – not only through Billfish but through other business ventures as well.
To add insult to injury, the police vehicle that took his son had ran over his foot in their rush to leave the scene. A poignant reminder of the complete disregard for public safety regularly shown by Tonga’s police force.
While his son Robert was in custody, his wife, mother, and family held vigil outside of the police station fearing what has been reported many times before regarding individuals falling into the dungeons of police retribution and revenge—brutal beatings and death.
The lack of professionalism and behaviour shown regularly by the police and peace officers of Tonga hints at serious endemic institutional and individual narcissism and sociopathy – something that needs a serious auditing.
Police have been under serious public pressure recently for corruption, impotency, and multiple deaths of individuals held in their custody.